
im not sure, but i think that this is imaginary..

no solution...

Two times an unknown number = nothing.

When you multiply anything by 0 it's 0.

So -- 2 * 0 = 0

Yes, to Ms. Sue, agreed. You can also divide both sides by two, and you get x=0/2=0

To EAW, nononononononononono! Imaginary numbers are something else entirely. If MOO (almost me!) were asking something like x^2=-1, then the answer would be plus or minus i.

To solve the equation 2x = 0, we want to find the value of x that satisfies this equation.

Step 1: Start by isolating the variable term. In this case, the variable term is 2x. To isolate it, we need to get rid of the coefficient of 2. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 2.

2x/2 = 0/2

Simplifying, we get:

x = 0/2

Step 2: Simplify the expression on the right side.

0 divided by any non-zero number is always 0. So, we have:

x = 0

Therefore, the solution to the equation 2x = 0 is x = 0.