-5t = t+12

get t on one side, to equal it out, then take 12 divides by # of t.

tats hsouls give you your answer...

t= -2 also because -5*-2 is positive 10. then you adda negivate two, and that gives you 12.

To get rid of t on the right, add -t to both sides.

then multiply both sides by -1/6

Well how to i get t on one side

Your question has already been answered... check your previous posting before you post another one please.

To solve the equation -5t = t + 12, we want to find the value of t that satisfies the equation. We can solve this equation by isolating the variable t on one side.

Step 1: Simplify the equation.
Start by simplifying both sides of the equation. Combine like terms by adding 5t to both sides of the equation:

-5t + 5t = t + 5t + 12
0 = 6t + 12

Step 2: Isolate the variable t.
To isolate the variable t, subtract 12 from both sides of the equation:

0 - 12 = 6t + 12 - 12
-12 = 6t

Step 3: Solve for t.
Finally, solve for t by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

-12 / 6 = 6t / 6
-2 = t

Therefore, the solution to the equation -5t = t + 12 is t = -2.