please help forgot how to do it

What was the percentage increase in the age 75+ population of Europe from 1970 to 1995?

1. Subtract: 38,139 - 22,762 = 15,377

2. Divide: 15,377 / 38,239 = 0.40 = 40%

Oops! I goofed.

Step 2 should be:
Divide: 15,377 / 22,762 = 0.676 = 67.6%

To calculate the percentage increase in the age 75+ population of Europe from 1970 to 1995, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the initial and final values. In this case, the initial value is the age 75+ population in 1970, which is 22,762. The final value is the age 75+ population in 1995, which is 38,139.

2. Subtract the initial value from the final value: 38,139 - 22,762 = 15,377.

3. Divide the difference (15,377) by the initial value (22,762): 15,377 / 22,762 = 0.6755.

4. Multiply the quotient by 100 to convert it into a percentage: 0.6755 * 100 ≈ 67.55%.

Therefore, the percentage increase in the age 75+ population of Europe from 1970 to 1995 is approximately 67.55%.