are these examples of community fitness reasours
2curves for women
3contours express
4live longer live better
5ladies workout express
and what do they mean by name the facility???????

Looks like you gave the names :)

so they are right thanks for youe help but 1 more ? what do he mean by name the facility?????????

Well, like "Curves for Women" is the name of the facility.

oh lol ok i got it thanks so so much you were alot of help

Yes, the examples you provided are all examples of community fitness resources. They primarily consist of yoga studios and fitness facilities specifically tailored for women.

When it comes to the phrase "name the facility," it typically refers to providing the actual name or title of the specific fitness resource or facility. For example, instead of saying "yoga," you could specify the name of a yoga studio like "Serenity Yoga Studio." Similarly, instead of saying "curves for women," you can mention the name of the specific facility, such as "Curves Fitness Center."