Could someone tell me what the definitions of translation, reflection and rotation mean?

i learned this in 4th grade too, 2 years ago... i sort of forget it, but ill give it a shot. Rotation is when you rotate something, so its at a different angle, reflection is when the shape or dimension is the reflection of itself,( basically backwards), and translation is the thing i forget, so i'd just check the dictionary for that one. By that way, id just check the other two just in case! :)


a ---- b
becomes for example


a -- b becomes b - - a

a -- b ----> a -- b (moved right)

rotation is when you rotate an anagle, reflection is like flipping an object so its like looking in the mirror

example: g----h becomes h----g so its like a mirror, and last but not least TRANSLATION!!!thats when you slide an object up down or just sliding it so its in a different spot.

Is evrey rectangle a square? Or is evrey parallegram a rhombus I forgot.

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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Of course! I'd be happy to explain the definitions of translation, reflection, and rotation.

1. Translation: Translation refers to the movement of an object in a straight line without any rotation or distortion. When performing a translation, every point of the object is moved by the same distance and direction. Think of it as sliding an object from one location to another, while keeping its shape intact. In mathematical terms, translation involves shifting each point of an object by a constant amount in both the x and y directions.

To perform a translation, you can follow these steps:
- Determine the desired amount and direction of the shift in the x and y directions.
- Add the shift values to the x and y coordinates of each point of the object to obtain the new position.

2. Reflection: Reflection involves flipping an object over a line called the line of reflection. This line acts as a mirror, and the object is reflected across it resulting in a mirror image of the original object. The line of reflection could be vertical, horizontal, or even diagonal.

To carry out a reflection, these are the steps you can follow:
- Identify the line of reflection, which serves as the mirror.
- For each point of the object, draw a perpendicular line from the original point to the line of reflection.
- Extend this line the same distance on the other side of the line of reflection to find the new reflected point.

3. Rotation: Rotation refers to the turning or spinning of an object around a fixed point called the center of rotation. During a rotation, all points of the object move in circular or curved paths at the same angle and distance from the center of rotation. The angle of rotation can be positive (counterclockwise) or negative (clockwise).

To perform a rotation, follow these steps:
- Determine the angle of rotation and the center point.
- For each point of the object, draw a line from the center of rotation to the original point.
- Rotate this line by the specified angle around the center point.
- Connect the endpoint of the rotated line to find the new position of the point.

By understanding these definitions and following the steps, you'll be able to perform translations, reflections, and rotations on objects.