3 tablespoons for 1.5 servings.

Whats the unit rate

3 tablespoons for 1.5 servings

3 divided by 1.5 = 2 tablespoons for every 1 serving

To find the actual tablespoons per serving, divide the total tablespoons used by the total servings:

(3 tablespoons)/(1.5 servings)
=3/1.5 tablespoons/serving
=?? tablespoons/serving

To find the unit rate, we need to determine the amount of tablespoons per serving.

Given: 3 tablespoons for 1.5 servings

To find the unit rate, we divide the number of tablespoons by the number of servings:

3 tablespoons ÷ 1.5 servings = 2 tablespoons per serving

Therefore, the unit rate is 2 tablespoons per serving.

To find the unit rate, we need to determine how much of a quantity is associated with one unit of another quantity. In this case, we need to find the unit rate for tablespoons per serving.

Given that there are 3 tablespoons for 1.5 servings, we can set up a ratio to find the unit rate:

3 tablespoons / 1.5 servings

To simplify the ratio, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 1.5:

3 tablespoons ÷ 1.5 servings = 2 tablespoons per serving

Therefore, the unit rate is 2 tablespoons per serving.