what would be your BEST advice to a person who wants to learn more about political issues?

a. watch only television news and commentary shows daily
b. pay attention only to newspaper stories
c. explore a variety of sources of political information
d. regularly read the major newspapers and news magazines

i would say ... c.

i would say A because with C, u could be reading untrustyworthy sources. with A you can be sure to be listening to up-to-date political topics.

r u SURE??

I would go with c.

a has that ONLY word in there. In addition, there is no reason to believe that TV news and commentary is more trustworthy than other sources. (In fact, my personal opinion is that the news media, including TV news and commentaries, often slant the news to suit the occasion. The media deny that but listen and read closely.) c also allows listening to debates from the candidates themselves and that is a good source for deciding.

k, thanx. that was my guess, too.

I would be pick (c), but with qualifications. It depends upon the variety you select. A person who gets his or her information from Fox (cable) News, the National Review magazine and The Orange County Register, for example, is not getting a balanced view of the news. TV shows like Meet the Press and newspapers like the New York Times do a better job, in my opinion.

Your answer is correct. Exploring a variety of sources of political information is the best advice for someone who wants to learn more about political issues. By doing so, you can gain a more comprehensive and balanced understanding of different viewpoints and perspectives. Here's why:

Option a: Watching only television news and commentary shows daily can provide you with some political information, but it's important to remember that these shows often have a particular bias or agenda. Relying solely on television news may limit your understanding of different viewpoints.

Option b: Paying attention only to newspaper stories can be informative, but it may also limit your exposure to diverse opinions and analysis. While newspapers are an important source, relying solely on them might result in a narrower perspective.

Option d: Regularly reading major newspapers and news magazines is a good practice, as they often cover in-depth analysis and provide a wealth of information. However, limiting yourself to just these sources might still restrict you from gaining a broader understanding.

Option c: Exploring a variety of sources of political information is the best choice. This includes consulting newspapers, news magazines, television news, and commentary shows, but it also extends beyond those sources. You can expand your knowledge by reading articles and opinion pieces online, listening to podcasts or radio shows, following reputable blogs, and participating in political forums or discussion groups. By incorporating different sources, you can cross-reference information, compare different perspectives, and develop a more well-rounded understanding of political issues.