you've joined the American Emu Association and have arrived at its annual conference. You see a man standing off to the side and decide to practice your networking skills on him. What is the best way to make contact?

To make contact with the man at the annual conference of the American Emu Association, there are a few key networking skills you can employ:

1. Approach with confidence: Make sure you have a friendly and approachable demeanor. Stand or sit up straight, make eye contact, and wear a warm smile. This displays confidence and makes you more approachable.

2. Introduce yourself: Start the conversation by introducing yourself. Offer a firm handshake and state your name clearly. This helps to establish a personal connection from the beginning.

3. Ask open-ended questions: Open-ended questions encourage more engaging and meaningful conversations. You could ask about his role within the association, his interest in emus, or his experiences related to the conference. Active listening is particularly important during this phase.

4. Show genuine interest: Displaying genuine interest in the person you are talking to is a great way to build rapport. Listen attentively, ask follow-up questions, and respond with enthusiasm. This conveys that you value their insights and experiences.

5. Offer your own insights: Once you have established a connection and listened to the other person, contribute your own thoughts and experiences related to the topic at hand. This helps to create a reciprocal conversation where both parties share information.

6. Exchange contact information: Towards the end of the conversation, if it seems appropriate, you can exchange contact information. This could be as simple as providing your business card or asking for their email address. Following up after the conference is crucial for building a lasting professional connection.

Remember, networking is about creating mutually beneficial relationships, so be considerate and respectful throughout the interaction.

Introduce yourself -- "I'm Joe Blow from Oklahoma."

Then ask him if he raises emus or is involved with some other aspect of the business.