attitudes held by a significant number of people concerning governmental and political questions are known as

a. the mass media
b. public opinion
c. interest groups
d. public policies
...i think its b...

You're on a roll! B is the right answer. :-)

You are correct! Attitudes held by a significant number of people concerning governmental and political questions are known as public opinion. Public opinion refers to the collective beliefs, values, and judgments of individuals within a society on matters related to politics and government.

To arrive at the answer, you can use a process of elimination:

a. The mass media refers to various forms of media, such as television, newspapers, and radio, which disseminate information and news to the public. While the mass media can influence public opinion, it is not the term used to describe public attitudes itself.

c. Interest groups are organizations that advocate for specific issues or causes and seek to influence public policy. Interest groups can certainly shape public opinion, but they are not synonymous with public opinion.

d. Public policies are the decisions and actions taken by governments to address public issues and concerns. Public opinions can influence the formulation of public policies, but public policy itself is distinct from public opinion.

By a process of elimination, you can determine that the correct answer is b. public opinion, which refers to the attitudes held by a significant number of people concerning governmental and political questions.