heres a new problem with the parenthesis:


am I correct?????

Yes, your answer is correct but, personally, I don't like the way you show it.

I think the "line breaks" are in the wrong place. I would show it like this.
(10-7)x5-(2x3) =
3x5-(2x3) =
15-6= 9

thank you!

To solve the expression (10-7)x5-2x3, you need to follow the correct order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

First, let's solve the expression within the parentheses:

10-7 = 3

Now the expression becomes:

Next, we perform the multiplication operations from left to right:
3x5 = 15

The expression becomes:

Finally, we perform the remaining multiplication operation:
2x3 = 6

The expression is now:

Finally, we perform the subtraction operation:
15-6 = 9

Therefore, the correct answer to the expression (10-7)x5-2x3 is 9.

You are correct! Well done!