Can someone please check the following answers for me...THANK YOU!

1)Raising the temperature of a reacting system increases the rate of reaction but does NOT increase the: NUMBER OF COLLSIONS



2 and 3 are correct. 1 is correct if you are discussing the reaction rate at constant pressure, but at constant volume the collision rate does increase slowly with temperature (in proportion to sqrt T)

Sure, I can check the answers for you!

1) Raising the temperature of a reacting system does increase the rate of reaction, but it does not affect the number of collisions. To check if this answer is correct, we can review the information about the relationship between temperature and reaction rate. The collision theory states that for a chemical reaction to occur, the reactant particles must collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation. Increasing the temperature provides more energy to the reactant particles, increasing their kinetic energy and the likelihood of successful collisions. However, the actual number of collisions is determined by the concentration of reactant particles, not the temperature. Therefore, the answer "NUMBER OF COLLISIONS" is incorrect.

2) Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. To check if this answer is correct, we can verify the definition of activation energy. Activation energy is the energy barrier that reactant particles must overcome to transform into products during a chemical reaction. It represents the energy difference between the reactants and the transition state of the reaction. Therefore, the answer "AN ENERGY BARRIER BETWEEN REACTANTS AND PRODUCTS" is correct.

3) A catalyst works by lowering the activation energy barrier. To check if this answer is correct, we can review the role of catalysts in chemical reactions. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy. By lowering the activation energy, a catalyst allows more reactant particles to overcome the energy barrier and proceed to the products. Therefore, the answer "LOWERING THE ACTIVATION ENERGY BARRIER" is correct.

Based on the explanations, answers 2) and 3) are correct. Answer 1) is incorrect as the temperature increase does not affect the number of collisions.