how do i do all partial methed

If you are referring to partial methods in C#, here is how you can use them:

1. Define the partial method signature: Partial methods are declared using the `partial` keyword and have no access modifier. They should be declared in a partial class or a partial struct. The declaration of the partial method includes only the method signature without implementation.

partial void MyPartialMethod();

2. Implement the partial method: In a separate part of the partial class or struct, you can provide the implementation for the partial method. The implementation is optional, and if not provided, the compiler will remove the call to the partial method.

partial void MyPartialMethod()
// Implementation goes here
// This code will be executed if the partial method is called

3. Call the partial method: To call the partial method, you simply use the method name as you would with any other method. It is important to note that if the partial method is not implemented, the call statement will be removed by the compiler.


That's it! Partial methods allow you to define a method in one part of the class or struct and implement it in another part without causing any compilation errors. Partial methods are commonly used in code-generation scenarios or to add optional behaviors to a class.

Please note that partial methods can only have void return type and cannot be used with `ref` or `out` parameters.