What is the difference between the words "abstraction" and "universal" when both are used as nouns?

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Main Entry: ab·strac·tion
Pronunciation: ab-'strak-sh&n, &b-
Function: noun
Date: 1549
1 a : the act or process of abstracting : the state of being abstracted b : an abstract idea or term
2 : absence of mind or preoccupation
3 : abstract quality or character
4 a : an abstract composition or creation in art b :

Main Entry: [2]universal
Function: noun
Date: 1553
1 : one that is universal: as a : a universal proposition in logic b : a predicable of traditional logic c : a general concept or term or something in reality to which it corresponds : ESSENCE
2 a : a behavior pattern or institution (as the family) existing in all cultures b : a culture trait characteristic of all normal adult members of a particular society