is this good? this is my final copy

Como hacer un batido de fresas y kiwis

1. Primero, necesitas tener una licuadora, cinco kiwis, seis fresas, jugo de naranja, hielo, un cuchillo, cuchara y unos vasos.

2. Después corta las fresas

3. Ahora corta en rodajas los kiwis en el medio y saca afuera los kiwis con la cuchara

4. Pon las frutas en la licuadora

5. Toma un poco de hielo y pon el hielo en la licuadora

6. Ahora, echa un vaso de jugo de naranja en la licuadora

7. Pon la tapa en la licuadora

8. Enciende la licuadora

9. Después de estar listo, echa el batido en los vasos

10. Finalmente, distribúyeles los vasos a los invitados

Only thing you might want to do is in #2 and #3, put a "comma" after Después, and Ahora,



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It looks like you have written a set of instructions on how to make a strawberry and kiwi smoothie in Spanish. Here's the English translation of the steps:

1. First, you need to have a blender, five kiwis, six strawberries, orange juice, ice, a knife, a spoon, and some glasses.

2. Cut the strawberries.

3. Slice the kiwis in half and scoop out the kiwi flesh with a spoon.

4. Put the fruits in the blender.

5. Take some ice and add it to the blender.

6. Now, pour a glass of orange juice into the blender.

7. Put the lid on the blender.

8. Turn on the blender.

9. Once it's ready, pour the smoothie into the glasses.

10. Finally, distribute the glasses to the guests.

This seems like a good final copy. To check if it is good, you can review the steps and ensure that all the necessary details are included. You may also want to confirm that the instructions are clear and easy to understand. Additionally, you can try following these steps yourself and see if you are able to make a tasty strawberry and kiwi smoothie using this guide.