Please check my correction.

Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen

You will need to write both short and long- term goals.
The president-elect of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.
Please buy three half gallon containers of ice -cream for the party.
The ill defined terms some-how were not clear to her.

Punctuation within Sentences—Parentheses

You should be able to complete your program in two (2) years.
T he textbook had recently been revised. (The last revision took place in 1992).


You will need to write both short and long- term goals.

Since both "short" and "long" modify "term," it should be -- both short- and long-term goals.

Number 2 is correct.

Number 3 needs a hyphen in half-gallon because it's two connected words that modify "containers." There is no hypen in ice cream.

In number 4, "somehow" is one word and not hyphenated. Check this site for where you should place a hyphen in this sentence.

You've used the parentheses correctly. :-)


You're welcome.

Your corrections look good, but I noticed a couple of formatting errors in your sentences. Here are the corrected versions:

Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen

You will need to write both short- and long-term goals.
The president-elect of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.
Please buy three half-gallon containers of ice cream for the party.
The ill-defined terms somehow were not clear to her.

Punctuation within Sentences—Parentheses

You should be able to complete your program in two (2) years.
The textbook had recently been revised (The last revision took place in 1992).

To ensure consistent and correct usage of punctuation within sentences, consider the following guidelines:

1. Hyphen:
- Use a hyphen when joining two or more words to form an adjective that describes a noun. For example, short-term and long-term goals.
- For compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine, use a hyphen between the two words. For example, twenty-one (21) years.
- Use a hyphen when connecting compound words. For example, half-gallon containers.
- Hyphens are not needed when using an adverb ending in -ly to modify a verb. For example, somehow were not clear.

2. Parentheses:
- Use parentheses to provide additional information or clarification that is not essential to the main sentence. The information within parentheses can be removed without affecting the sentence's meaning.
- When including numbers within parentheses, use both the numerical form and the written form.
- Place a closing parenthesis after the information contained within it.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.