Louisiana is made up of predominately what race?

Baton Rouge is in what direction of New Orleans?

Demographics websites re Louisiana:


Louisiana map:

Check these census figures for the percentages of race and ethnic groups.


This map shows the locations of Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


To find the predominant race in Louisiana, you can refer to demographic data from reliable sources such as the United States Census Bureau. They provide detailed information about the racial composition of different regions. I suggest visiting the Census Bureau's website and looking for the specific data for Louisiana. By analyzing the demographic data, you will be able to determine the predominant race in the state.

Regarding the position of Baton Rouge in relation to New Orleans, you can use a map or an online mapping service to get the accurate direction. Simply search for "Baton Rouge" and "New Orleans" on a map service like Google Maps. The map will display the directions between the two cities along with a compass rose indicating the cardinal directions. You can determine which direction Baton Rouge is from New Orleans based on the map and compass rose.