Could someone give me some good pointers on how to write a good essay. Or give me a good website that gives advice only. I don't want anyone to do it for me. I just want to do a really good job on my first essay.

Here are two:

Let us know if there are specific questions you have.


Your information was very helpful. Thank you very much.

You're welcome!


Of course! I'd be happy to provide you with some pointers on how to write a good essay. Here are some key steps to follow:

1. Understand the prompt: Start by carefully reading and analyzing the essay prompt or question. Make sure you fully understand what is being asked of you before proceeding.

2. Plan your essay: Create an outline or a mind map to organize your thoughts and ideas. This will help you structure your essay and ensure a logical flow of information.

3. Conduct research: Collect relevant information and evidence to support your arguments. Use reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reliable websites. Make sure to take note of your sources so you can properly cite them later.

4. Develop a strong thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and specific. Use it as a guide throughout your writing process to maintain focus.

5. Write a compelling introduction: Your introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide a context for your essay. Start with a hook, provide necessary background information, and end with your thesis statement.

6. Support your arguments with evidence: Each paragraph should focus on a single idea and provide supporting evidence. Use facts, examples, statistics, or quotations to back up your claims. Remember to analyze and explain how the evidence relates to your thesis.

7. Maintain a clear and coherent structure: Ensure that your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and ensure a smooth transition between ideas.

8. Revise and edit: After completing the first draft, take the time to revise and improve your essay. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, clarity of expression, and overall coherence. Make sure your essay follows the guidelines and requirements set by your instructor.

Regarding websites, a helpful resource to improve your essay writing skills is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University. They provide comprehensive writing guides, tips, and examples to help you develop your essay writing skills. You can access it at:

Remember, writing an excellent essay takes practice and time. Don't be afraid to seek feedback from others or revise your work multiple times to enhance its quality. Good luck with your first essay!