Create a bio poem on any character in Jane Eyre

It must be in this format or close to it
The format is
Line1 First name only
Line2 4 Traits that describe the character
Line3 Son/Daughter of
Line4 Lover of (3 things)
Line5 Who feels(3)
Line6 Who needs(3)
Line7 who gives(3)
Line8 Who fears(3)
Line9 who would like to see(3)
Line 10 Resident of(town)
Line11 last name


nice, sporty, cute, smart
daughter of Tracey
Softball, basketball, volleyball
happy, joyful, cold
love, friends, family
laughter, help, peace
snakes, Olivia, Julia
Gabby, Hawaii, South Carolina
Valley Center
Last name

Emily's poem is an excellent example. I am sure you could find a character in the book that you can use. Check this site for Character Analysis


Independent, resilient, passionate, introspective
Daughter of uncertainty, sorrow, and resilience
Lover of books, nature, and intellectual conversations
Who feels longing, yearning, and love
Who needs acceptance, belonging, and purpose
Who gives compassion, empathy, and strength
Who fears abandonment, rejection, and losing herself
Who would like to see justice, equality, and happiness
Resident of Thornfield Hall