
I have to rearrnge the following to make y the subject..

x = 3 - 2y / 6

I get the first part do

x 3, - 2, and / 6.


x 6, + 2, and / 3

then multiply by 6 so,

6x = 3 - 2y

add 2 to both sides,

6x + 2 = 3
the divide both sides by 3

6x + 2 = y

so y = 6x - 2
is this the right final answer ???

i am not sure if this is right .. can anyome check this for me..

If the answer is wrong please tell me where I have mis-calculated

Thank you !!!!!!!! :-)

Isn't the 3-2y supposed to be in parentheses? Otherwise, 2y/6 should have been written y/3.

If x = (3 -2y)/6, then
6x = 3 - 2y
2y = 3 - 6x
y = (3/2) -3x

I understand..and thank you for your help !!


To solve for y in the equation x = (3 - 2y) / 6, you need to follow the correct steps. Let me break it down for you:

1. Start with the given equation: x = (3 - 2y) / 6.
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 6 to eliminate the denominator: 6x = 3 - 2y.
3. Next, add 2y to both sides to isolate the variable term: 6x + 2y = 3.
4. Now, we want to solve for y, so we need to move the term 6x to the other side of the equation. To do this, subtract 6x from both sides: 2y = 3 - 6x.
5. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for y: y = (3 - 6x) / 2.

So, the correct final answer would be y = (3 - 6x) / 2.

Your approach seemed correct until the last part where you mistakenly added 2 to the right side of the equation instead of subtracting it. Additionally, the division by 3 should be done to the term (3 - 6x) and not to 6x itself.