Provide websites on Martin Luther (Protestant Reformer).

I need viewpoints, so a viewpoint of the pope at that time would be great. The pope was against him, so I need sources that are against Martin Luther and his motives.

Please provide me some credible sources that offer viewpoints, specificially the ones against M.L.

Check these sites. I especially like the first site that says that Luther was not a person you'd want to have dinner with. It then goes on to tell his faults. There's much more in these sites.

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Finding credible sources that offer viewpoints against Martin Luther and his motives can be an important part of getting a comprehensive understanding of the Protestant Reformation. Here are some websites that provide different perspectives, including viewpoints against Martin Luther:

1. Catholic Encyclopedia: The Catholic Encyclopedia is a reliable source for information from a Catholic perspective. It provides a detailed entry on Martin Luther, outlining the Catholic Church's position on his actions, teachings, and motives. You can find this entry at:

2. Catholic Answers: Catholic Answers is an organization dedicated to explaining and defending the Catholic faith. They offer articles and resources discussing the Catholic Church's perspective on the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther. Visit their website at:

3. Vatican Website: The official website of the Vatican includes historical documents, encyclicals, and other resources that shed light on the Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation. You can explore various documents and papal bulls from that time period. Access the website at:

Remember, it's important to approach historical events from a critical perspective, considering multiple viewpoints in order to form a balanced understanding of the topic.