A young man prepares to graduate from college. He expects his father to buy him the car he always admired for his graduation. His father talks to him and the father tells him he loves and is proud of him. The father gives the young man a beautiful wrapped gift box. The young man opens the gift box and he is not impressed with the Bible. The young man leaves the house angrily and leaving the Bible too. Since he has not seen his father for many years after his graduation, he decides to visit him. However, the son receives a telegram about his father’s death and will, leaving his entire possession to him. The son visits his father’s house and feels sadness and regretful. He opens the Bible his father gave him on his graduation and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible.

In the second sentence, delete "for his graduation."

In the third sentence, delete the second instance of "the father" -- in fact you have the phrase "the father" repeated many times in the first few sentences. You need to vary the phrasing or combine some sentences.

Sentence combining is needed in sentences five and six, too. Unnecessary repetition is occurring.

"his entire possession" = the father had only one possession when he died? Or do you mean his entire estate? Or all his possessions?

The end of the next to last sentence should read "feels sadness and regret" or "feels sad and regretful." Choose one!

Comma is needed after "graduation" in the last sentence.

The story you've just narrated is a classic example of a twist ending, where the outcome is unexpected and surprises both the characters and the readers. The key takeaway from this story is the importance of not jumping to conclusions or making hasty judgments.

Now, let's discuss how to analyze this story step by step to extract its hidden meaning:

1. Initial Expectation: At the beginning of the story, the young man expects his father to buy him the car he always admired as a graduation gift. This sets up the reader's expectation for the young man to receive the coveted car.

2. Plot Twist: The young man opens the gift box and finds a Bible inside, which disappoints and angers him. Feeling let down, he leaves the Bible behind and distances himself from his father, assuming that his father has let him down as well.

3. Change in Circumstances: After many years, the young man hears of his father's death and discovers that he has inherited everything. This news prompts the son to revisit his father's house, where he experiences a mix of sadness and regret for not having reconciled with his father while he was still alive.

4. Unexpected Revelation: As the young man opens the Bible, a car key falls out from its pages. This revelation completely changes his perspective and forces him to reassess his initial judgment. He realizes that his father had intended to gift him the car he had always admired, but had hidden the key inside the Bible.

This story teaches us important lessons about judgment, forgiveness, and the value of relationships. It highlights that making assumptions without fully understanding or communicating can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for connection.

In life, it is crucial not to let our initial expectations and reactions cloud our judgment. Sometimes, the true meaning or value of something may be hidden, requiring us to approach situations with an open mind and give thoughtful consideration to the intentions and actions of others.