I'm having trouble tunring 5 3/11 into a decimal. Can you explain it to me?

The whole number is 5.

Next, divide 11 into 3.

3/11 = 0.2727

5 3/11 = 5.2727

Thanks you! You made it seem so easy.

You're welcome. It's easy with a lot of practice. :-)

Of course! To turn a mixed number like 5 3/11 into a decimal, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction: Multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (11) and add the numerator (3). This gives us (5 * 11) + 3 = 55 + 3 = 58.

2. Write the resulting fraction over the original denominator: The numerator is 58, and the denominator is still 11. So, the fraction is 58/11.

3. Divide the numerator by the denominator: Divide 58 by 11, which gives us 5.272727... (the decimal continues infinitely).

Therefore, 5 3/11 as a decimal is approximately 5.272727... (rounded to the desired precision).