What is the distance (in miles) from Ny to Europe? It doesn't matter what place. Just the distance in miles or anything else. PLEASE!

Just what you are looking for. Distance from anywhere to anywhere (almost).


New York, NY to

Shannon, Ireland = 3087 miles
Calais, France -- 3567 miles
Moscow, Russia -- 4680 miles
Athens, Greece -- 4934 miles

Source: http://www.indo.com/distance/

To find the distance from New York (NY) to Europe, we can start by finding the distance to a specific European city and then use that as a reference point. Let's take London, United Kingdom as an example.

To calculate the distance from NY to London, you can follow these steps using online mapping tools (such as Google Maps or MapQuest):

1. Open a mapping website or application.
2. Enter "New York" as the starting point and "London" as the destination.
3. Choose the appropriate modes of transportation (e.g., driving, flying) based on your preference.
4. The website or application will provide the distance between the two locations, usually displayed in miles or kilometers.

Please note that the distance can vary depending on the specific route taken and the mode of transportation selected.

If you are looking for a general estimation of the distance from NY to Europe, it is around 3,500-4,000 miles (5,600-6,400 kilometers) when considering a direct flight. However, the actual distance will depend on the specific locations in NY and Europe that you are referring to.