Thus, the Nurse sees the purpose of the asylum as a place to be conformed is to persuade the patients to accept and function in the Outside world of rewards and punishments.

How do I reword "to be conformed"? I don't like the idea of using "to be" in any essays.

You could use conformation.

... the asylum as a place of conformation where patients are persuaded to accept ...


... the asylum as a place to promote conformation where she needs to persuade patients to accept ...


... the asylum as a place to force conformation where patients are trained to accept ...

To reword the phrase "to be conformed" without using the infinitive phrase "to be," you can try the following alternative phrases:

- To become conformist: This expression emphasizes the process of adopting conformity and implies that the patients are being persuaded to conform to societal norms.
- To conform: This concise phrase directly conveys the notion of conforming without the use of the infinitive.
- To adhere to conformity: By using the verb "adhere," you highlight the act of following or abiding by societal expectations.
- To embrace conformity: This phrase stresses the patients willingly accepting and adopting the practices of conformity.

Remember, when rewording a sentence or phrase, it's essential to consider the context and overall tone of your essay to ensure your chosen words accurately convey your intended meaning.