heyy xx how do i sbtract fractions from each other eg. 7/9 - 1/2

please help xx

You must first find a common denominator. Usually, you try to find the smallest (or least) common denominator.

In your example, the common denominator is 18 (9 * 2). You have to change your fractions to fit this new denominator.

7/9 = 14/18 (We multiplied both the numerator and denominator by 2.)

1/2 = 9/18 (We multiplied both the numerator and denominator by 2.)

7/9 - 1/2
14/18 - 9/18

Now, subtract the numerators and keep the denominator. Then simplify, if possible.

For example, 4/9 - 1/9 = 3/9 = 1/3.

Oops, that should read...

1/2 = 9/18 (We multiplied both the numerator and denominator by 9.)

Hey xx! I'd be happy to help you with subtracting fractions. To subtract fractions, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Make sure the denominators are the same. If the denominators are already the same, you can skip to Step 2. If they're different, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

Step 2: Once you have the same denominator for both fractions, subtract the numerators. Keep the denominator the same.

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction, if possible, by reducing it to its lowest terms.

Now, let's apply these steps to your example: 7/9 - 1/2.

Step 1: The denominators here are already different (9 and 2). The LCM of 9 and 2 is 18.

Step 2: Now, we need to rewrite both fractions with the common denominator of 18.

7/9 = (7 * 2) / (9 * 2) = 14/18

1/2 = (1 * 9) / (2 * 9) = 9/18

Now we have 14/18 - 9/18.

Step 3: Subtract the numerators and keep the denominator the same:

(14 - 9) / 18 = 5/18

So, 7/9 - 1/2 is equal to 5/18.

That's it! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.