this pertains to the other one of mine down below.

what was the significance of Franciso Vasquez de Coronado's finding in his exploration. I understand what he did but I can't pull out a sinificance that pertains to us.

The significance was that although he searched a wide area of the American southwest, Coronado pretty much proved that there were no "cities of gold" there. He also found the Grand Canyon. Ironically, today the Grand Canyon is a "city of gold" with millions of tourist dollars spent there annually.

Check this site for more information.

He was one of the New World's major explorers. You should easily be able to see significance? Just look at the maps in here -- and notice the dates (compare dates with Columbus's first journey):


christopher's was later ans he came in a different direction. I still don't see

thank you so much

To understand the significance of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's expedition, we need to consider its historical, cultural, and geographical implications. Here's how you can analyze his findings and draw out their significance:

1. Historical Significance:
- Assess the timing: Consider when Coronado embarked on his expedition. He explored the southwestern region of North America from 1540 to 1542.
- Contextualize the event: Look at the broader historical context. Coronado's exploration happened during the Age of Exploration when Europeans were seeking new trade routes, resources, and territories.
- Expansion of Spanish Empire: Coronado's expedition contributed to the Spanish Empire's expansion. By exploring and claiming territories, Spain could extend its influence, extract resources, and increase its wealth and power.

2. Cultural Significance:
- Encounter with Indigenous Peoples: Coronado and his men encountered various Indigenous peoples throughout their journey. Analyze the interactions, cultural exchanges, conflicts, and impacts on both sides.
- Documentation of Native American communities: Coronado's expedition provided valuable information about Native American tribes and their settlements, customs, and traditions. This documentation helped increase European knowledge about the New World.

3. Geographical Significance:
- Mapping and Exploration: Coronado's expedition produced detailed maps, describing the land, rivers, mountains, and natural resources in the areas he explored. This expanded European knowledge about the geography of North America.
- Influence on future explorations: Coronado's findings opened up new possibilities and inspired future explorers to venture into the region. This contributed to subsequent European colonization and settlement in North America.

Now, with this understanding, we can draw out some significant points that pertain to us today:
- Coronado's expedition played a part in the European exploration and colonization of the Americas, which ultimately shaped the history and culture of the continent.
- The encounter between Spanish explorers and Native American civilizations had long-lasting impacts on indigenous communities and the development of a multicultural society in the Americas.
- Coronado's expedition and subsequent explorations paved the way for the establishment of European settlements, leading to the formation of modern-day cities and states in the southwestern region of the United States.
- The geographical knowledge gained from Coronado's expedition contributed to the expansion of global cartography and increased understanding of the world's geography.

By analyzing the historical, cultural, and geographical significance of Coronado's findings, we can recognize their far-reaching impact on the development of the Americas and our understanding of the world.