In my school group one of the things we need to come up with is a code of conduct/expectant behaviors along with team rules.

Other then respecting eachother and if we disagree to something let us know right away what else can we put down?

Website, ideas, anything would be helpful

(I would give you the link, but I can't. Try googling "team rules" without quotes.) I got these from a website...

1. Show respect for authority, property, and peers at all times
2. Maintain academic eligibility throughout the season
3. Follow ALL team rules
4. Practice the ideals of sportsmanship, team loyalty, and fair play
5. No drugs

Attendance is mandatory at all practices and meets. Attendance will be taken on a daily basis at ALL practices and meets.

its an online group.

Oh. I don't really understand what type of group this is, then.

Developing a code of conduct and team rules is an important step in fostering a positive and collaborative environment within your school group. Besides emphasizing respect and open communication, here are some additional points you can consider including in your code of conduct:

1. Attendance and punctuality: Discuss the importance of attending meetings and being on time. Emphasize the need for everyone's active participation to ensure the team's success.

2. Confidentiality: Address the importance of maintaining confidentiality within the group, especially when discussing sensitive information or personal matters.

3. Accountability: Encourage team members to take responsibility for their actions and commitments. This can include meeting deadlines, completing assigned tasks, and communicating progress.

4. Teamwork and collaboration: Promote a spirit of cooperation and encourage team members to work together, share resources, and support each other's ideas. Emphasize the value of diverse perspectives and the importance of constructive feedback.

5. Communication guidelines: Outline expectations for respectful and effective communication. Highlight the importance of active listening, staying open-minded, and expressing opinions in a constructive manner.

6. Conflict resolution: Establish procedures for resolving conflicts within the group. Encourage team members to address conflicts directly and suggest seeking mediation or involving a designated team facilitator if needed.

As for additional resources, here are a few websites that can provide further guidance and ideas:

1. Harvard University - Managing Team Conflict:
This Harvard Business Review article offers insights on managing team conflicts and contains practical tips for effective conflict resolution.

2. MindTools - Team Building Skills:
MindTools provides several articles and resources on team building skills, including guidance on establishing team rules and developing a positive team culture.

Remember, the code of conduct should be a collaborative effort, and it's important to involve all members of your school group in the discussion and decision-making process.