Is this text correct?

Chinese new year

The chinese people celebrate new years eve in the first new moon of Febraury,it changes every year, it takes two weeks, from the new moon to the full moon, people wear red clothes in new year, they bring good luck in the future. They decorate their houses with colorful flowers and oranges, the oranges bring hapiness. They usually meet with their relatives in new year. They open doors and windows at midnigth to alow the old year go out. The used to count years with a simple and practical system, they named the years with animals, it is better because people don´t have to remember their ages, for example they colud say: I was born in the year of the dog.

1. Use correct capitalization.

2. Put a space after every comma, period, or other punctuation mark.

3. Clarify all pronouns. For example, what is "it'"?

4. Work on combining sentences to avoid having too many choppy, repetitive sentences.

5. Correct all run-ons; put proper punctuation at the end of every sentence.

6. Double-check for correct use of possessives.

If you wish to repost after you have made corrections, please do, and I'll review it again.


The Chinese people celebrate New Year's Eve in the first new moon of February; it changes every year. The celebration takes two weeks from the new moon to the full moon. People wear red clothes during New Year because red brings good luck in the future. They also decorate their houses with colorful flowers and oranges; the oranges bring happiness. They usually meet with their relatives at New Year. They open doors and windows at midnight to allow the old year go out. The Chinese used to count years with a simple and practical system; they named the years with animals. This was better because people didn't have to remember their ages. For example they could say, " I was born in the year of the dog."

You have too many run-on sentences.
Be sure to capitalize proper nouns.
Be careful with the word "it"...
The reader needs to know what "it" refers to.

Yes, the text is correct. It provides a brief description of how Chinese New Year is celebrated. Here's a breakdown of the information:

- Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first new moon of February, which changes every year.
- The celebration lasts for two weeks, starting from the new moon and ending with the full moon.
- During Chinese New Year, people often wear red clothes as it is believed to bring good luck in the future.
- Houses are decorated with colorful flowers and oranges, as oranges symbolize happiness.
- It is a time when people usually gather with their relatives and spend time together.
- At midnight, doors and windows are opened to allow the old year to go out.
- In the traditional Chinese system of counting years, each year is associated with an animal. This system is useful because people can simply mention the year of their birth to indicate their age. For example, someone born in the year of the dog could say, "I was born in the year of the dog."

Overall, the text provides a concise and accurate summary of the customs and traditions associated with Chinese New Year.