I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
And girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
And normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
And make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?

Shelly, it is a question. Look at the last line. The answer is No.

to answer the last line, it is either yes or no

however, to solve the whole riddle the answer could be pressure


the answer is no because there is no answer duh

Yes, I can help you solve the riddle. The answer to this riddle is a "Pressure." Here's how the clues relate to the answer:

1. "I turn polar bears white" - When under pressure, the color can drain from someone's face, making them look pale or white.
2. "And I will make you cry" - Under certain emotional or psychological pressure, people may cry or become emotionally overwhelmed.
3. "I make guys have to pee" - When feeling anxious or nervous, people may experience the need to urinate more frequently.
4. "And girls comb their hair" - When getting ready or feeling self-conscious, people tend to adjust their appearance, such as combing the hair, when under pressure.
5. "I make celebrities look stupid" - The pressure of constantly being in the spotlight can lead to celebrities making mistakes or appearing foolish.
6. "And normal people look like celebrities" - Under certain circumstances, everyday individuals might become famous or noteworthy, putting them under pressure to perform or maintain a certain image.
7. "I turn pancakes brown" - Applying pressure to pancakes while cooking causes them to brown on the underside.
8. "And make your champagne bubble" - Pressure causes carbon dioxide bubbles to form in champagne or carbonated drinks, giving them their fizz.
9. "If you squeeze me, I'll pop" - If you apply too much pressure to something, it may burst or pop.
10. "If you look at me, you'll pop" - This line is a figurative exaggeration, emphasizing that pressure can make someone feel overwhelmed or stressed to the point of "popping" metaphorically.

By analyzing the clues and considering their connections to pressure, we can determine that the answer to the riddle is indeed "pressure."