In the book, Red Badge of Courage, what similarities (the obvious ones and the allegorical ones) that the characters, the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier" have in common?

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In the book "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane, the characters of the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier" share several similarities, both obvious and allegorical. Here are the commonalities between these two characters:

1. Obvious Similarities:
a. Both soldiers are enlisted in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
b. They both serve in the same regiment as the protagonist, Henry Fleming.
c. Both soldiers are depicted as young and inexperienced in warfare.

2. Allegorical Similarities:
a. Both characters represent different aspects of the soldiers' experience during war. The tall soldier embodies bravado and boasts of his courage, trying to maintain a brave front. The tattered soldier represents the harsh realities of war, portraying the physical and emotional toll it takes on soldiers.
b. Both soldiers undergo a transformation over the course of the story. The tall soldier's initial confidence is shattered in battle, and he becomes disillusioned. The tattered soldier goes from being a nuisance to an embodiment of empathy and understanding.
c. Both characters serve as contrasts to the protagonist, Henry, who grapples with his own fears and desires for self-preservation. Their experiences highlight the different reactions individuals have to the horrors of war.
d. Both soldiers play a role in Henry's character development. His interactions with the tall soldier bring forth his fears and doubts, while his conversations with the tattered soldier expose him to the harsh realities that lie ahead.

Overall, the tall soldier and the tattered soldier in "The Red Badge of Courage" share similarities through their representation of different aspects of soldiering and their influence on the protagonist's journey.

To identify similarities between the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier" characters in "The Red Badge of Courage," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: Start by reading or refreshing your memory of the relevant sections of the book. This will help you recall significant details about each character.

2. Analyze physical descriptions: Pay attention to the physical traits of the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier" mentioned in the book. Look for any similarities in their appearances, such as height, build, or overall condition.

3. Observe behaviors and actions: Analyze the actions and behaviors displayed by both characters throughout the story. Compare their reactions to the events of war, their interactions with other characters, and their overall mindset in similar situations.

4. Identify allegorical elements: Look for allegorical elements in the story that could shed light on the characters' similarities. Allegory often employs symbolic elements to convey deeper meanings. Consider whether both characters embody certain ideas, themes, or philosophies that align with each other.

5. Note common experiences: Examine any shared experiences between the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier." These experiences could include moments of fear, valor, despair, or personal growth. By identifying commonalities, you can uncover deeper connections between the characters.

6. Consult literary criticism (optional): If you are still struggling to identify the similarities, seek out literary criticism or scholarly analyses of the novel. These resources can provide you with different perspectives or interpretations that may help you discover hidden similarities.

By following these steps, you will be able to analyze the characters and their significance in "The Red Badge of Courage," ultimately uncovering the similarities between the "tall soldier" and the "tattered soldier" both in obvious and allegorical terms.