How were the Plymouth colony and the Massachusetts Bay colony alike? And how did they differ?

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The Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were both English settlements established in the 17th century in what is now modern-day Massachusetts. They were similar in some ways but had significant differences.

1. Reason for Settlement:
Both colonies were established by Puritans seeking religious freedom. However, the motivations behind their settlements differed. The Plymouth Colony settlers, known as Pilgrims, were Separatists who wanted to separate from the Church of England entirely. The Massachusetts Bay Colony settlers, on the other hand, were non-separatist Puritans who aimed to reform the Church of England from within.

2. Leadership and Governance:
The Plymouth Colony operated under the Mayflower Compact, a democratic agreement signed by all adult males on the Mayflower ship. They practiced self-governance with elected leaders. In contrast, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was governed by a joint-stock company called the Massachusetts Bay Company, which held the rights to the colony's land and appointed colonial officials.

3. Relationship with Native Americans:
The Plymouth Colony had a more peaceful relationship with the Native American Wampanoag tribe, thanks largely to the help of Squanto, a Native American who taught the settlers vital survival skills. In contrast, the Massachusetts Bay Colony had a more strained relationship with Native Americans. They viewed the Native Americans as obstacles to their vision of creating a "City upon a Hill" and often displaced or marginalized them.

4. Economic Activities:
Both colonies relied on agriculture as the primary economic activity. However, the Plymouth Colony focused more on subsistence farming and trade with the Native Americans, while the Massachusetts Bay Colony emphasized the development of larger farms and industry. The Massachusetts Bay Colony's economy grew more rapidly due to its larger population, access to more resources, and proximity to Boston.

5. Religious Tolerance:
While both colonies were seeking religious freedom for themselves, neither of them practiced religious tolerance towards other religious groups. The Puritans in both colonies sought to create a society based on their interpretation of the Bible and enforced strict religious laws. Dissenters were often punished or expelled.

In summary, both the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were Puritan settlements established for religious freedom. However, they differed in their motivations, leadership, relationships with Native Americans, economic activities, and degree of religious tolerance.