Who lead the indians at the battle of little big horn?

What did chief joseph say about fleeing to Canada.

Why did open-range cattle industry deline in the mid 1880s

What was the benefit of the windwill





For the last question -- do you mean WINDMILL?

yes... windmill

The windmill produced the power to pump water out of the ground for irrigation and to fill the water tanks of steam locomotives.


1) The leader of the Plains Indians at the Battle of Little Bighorn was Sitting Bull. To find this information, you can search for "Battle of Little Bighorn" on a search engine or visit historical websites that provide information on the battle. Look for reliable sources such as books, articles, or reputable historical websites.

2) Chief Joseph, a leader of the Nez Perce Tribe, did not specifically mention fleeing to Canada. However, the Nez Perce people were pursued by the U.S. Army during their attempt to escape to Canada in 1877. Chief Joseph famously said in his surrender speech, "Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." This quote reflects his decision to stop resisting and surrender to the U.S. Army.

To learn more about Chief Joseph's views on Canada or his surrender speech, you can search for "Chief Joseph surrender speech" or read books and articles about the Nez Perce Tribe and their interactions with the U.S. Army.

3) The open-range cattle industry declined in the mid-1880s due to various factors. One significant factor was the harsh environmental conditions, such as the severe winter of 1886-1887, also known as the "Big Die-Up." This event caused the loss of many cattle, affecting profitability for ranchers.

Another factor was the development of railroads and the expansion of settlements, leading to the fencing of land and the end of open grazing on public lands. This forced ranchers to either adapt to the changing circumstances or seek different livelihoods.

For further information, you can search for articles or books on the decline of the open-range cattle industry in the mid-1880s.

4) Windmills have several benefits, particularly in rural areas. They can be used to harness wind energy to pump water from deep wells, providing a sustainable and reliable water source for drinking, irrigation, and livestock. Windmills can also be used to generate electricity in areas where wind resources are abundant.

To learn more about the benefits of windmills, you can search for "advantages of windmills" or read articles on renewable energy sources and their applications in providing clean power.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.