Woher kommt Siegfried? how do i answer this?????

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I can tell you what it's asking: Where is Siegfried coming from? Someone with German expertise will tell you how to answer in German.

First you start off with: Er kommt von einem.... and then where you think he is coming from.

"Er ist aus Berlin" would be a satisfactory answer. So would "Er kommt von Berlin"

(My brother in law is named Siegfried, and is from there; my German wife has verified my answer)


To answer the question "Woher kommt Siegfried?" (Where does Siegfried come from?), you can provide the information by following these steps:

1. Identify the context: Siegfried is a common German name, so it's most likely referring to a person. Determine whether the question is asking about the origin of a specific individual named Siegfried or if it's referring to a character from a story or myth, as there are various Siegfrieds in history and literature.

2. Gather information sources: Look for relevant sources like books, articles, online databases, or reputable websites that provide information about the specific Siegfried in question.

3. Use online search engines: Enter the name "Siegfried" along with any known details or keywords related to the person you're searching for. For example, if you know Siegfried is a musician, include that in your search query to narrow down the results.

4. Check biographies and official profiles: If the Siegfried in question is a well-known public figure, search for their official biography or profile. These sources often provide information about their background and birthplace.

5. Consult local records or news sources: If you know the person in question is from a specific region, try searching local records or news sources from that area. Local newspapers or online archives might include information about notable individuals from the region.

6. Verify the information: Cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and confirm the information you found. This helps to avoid potential misinformation or discrepancies.

Once you have gathered sufficient information from these steps, you can answer the question "Woher kommt Siegfried?" by stating the specific origin or background of the Siegfried in question.