Find the weight of the right rectangular prism with length 13 ft, width 6 ft, and height 2.5 ft if the contents weigh 0.02 pounds per cubic inch.

I think that the answer is 3.9 by multiplying 6 x 13 x 2.5 x 0.02. Is this right?

if i can remember correctly the volume of a triangular prism the formula is:

volume = (1)/(2) * length * width * height

so i think you are okay

let me revise it some how i can only remember that formula when i read your question....

yes that's right

Yes, your approach is correct. To find the weight of the right rectangular prism, you need to multiply its volume by the weight of the contents per cubic inch.

The volume of a right rectangular prism is calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height. In this case, the length is 13 ft, the width is 6 ft, and the height is 2.5 ft.
So, the volume would be:

Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 13 ft x 6 ft x 2.5 ft

After calculating this, you will have the volume of the prism in cubic feet.

Next, since the weight is given per cubic inch, you need to convert the volume from cubic feet to cubic inches. There are 12 inches in a foot, so you can multiply the cubic feet volume by (12 inches/1 foot)^3 to convert the units.

Once you have the volume in cubic inches, you can then multiply it by the weight of the contents per cubic inch, which is given as 0.02 pounds/cubic inch.

So, the weight of the right rectangular prism would be:

Weight = Volume (in cubic inches) x Weight per cubic inch
Weight = (Volume in cubic feet x (12 inches/1 foot)^3) x 0.02 pounds/cubic inch

By substituting the values and performing the calculations, you will get the weight of the right rectangular prism. In this case, your result of 3.9 pounds should be correct.