Name 3 documents and or important people involving the government?

For example:
as one of the documents, The Articles of Confederation can be one.
Can anyone name 2 more at least???

Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers

Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton

Add any of the Amendments to the Constitution, any Supreme Court Justice, any Supreme Court decision, any law, or any voter for that matter.

Absolutely! Here are two more important documents and two important people associated with the government:

1. The United States Constitution: This document is the supreme law of the United States, outlining the structure of the federal government and protecting the rights of its citizens. It was adopted in 1787.

2. The Declaration of Independence: This is one of the most important documents in American history. It formally declared the United States' separation from Great Britain in 1776 and asserted the principles of individual rights and government by consent of the governed.

3. The Bill of Rights: This is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It guarantees individual freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791.

Important People:

1. George Washington: He served as the first President of the United States and played a crucial role in shaping the presidency and the government. Washington was instrumental in establishing many of the precedents and traditions that the U.S. government still follows today.

2. Thomas Jefferson: He was one of the primary authors of the Declaration of Independence and served as the third President of the United States. Jefferson's influence on government extended beyond his presidency, as he also played a vital role in the development of political philosophy, including advocating for limited government and individual rights.

When considering important people, others such as Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jr. have also made significant contributions to the government and the nation's history.