compare and contrast the characters of Antigone and Ismene in 3 ways


describe antigone's choice(), does it portray tragic pride or demonstrate a heroic dedication to virtue??

i think i have a few answers but not enough to write my paper

Either question would have plenty of information in the play itself to back up your stance. You just need to decide which one you will write about.
Be sure to check out the analyses of characters.

Also, be sure to let us know what you decide to write about, and someone here can give you more ideas.


ok thanks! I think I am going to compare and contrast Antigone and Ismene.

Here are some more links to help you:

Comparison/Contrast writing:

Writing about literature:

If you choose the second topic, you'll need to make sure you have accurate definitions of tragic pride and heroic. You can get this kind of information at and/or



You're very welcome. Go write an A paper!


To compare and contrast the characters of Antigone and Ismene, you can focus on their actions, beliefs, and their relationships. Here are three ways to analyze these characters:

1. Actions: Antigone is characterized by her defiance and rebellion against the laws of the state in order to honor her brother's burial rights. On the other hand, Ismene represents a more cautious and submissive approach, as she initially refuses to join Antigone in her act of rebellion.

2. Beliefs: Antigone strongly believes in the duty to honor her family and the divine laws, even if it means going against the decrees of the state. She prioritizes personal and familial values over societal rules. Ismene, in contrast, expresses her concern for the consequences of defying the law and emphasizes the importance of societal order.

3. Relationship: Antigone and Ismene have contrasting perspectives on their roles and responsibilities within the family. Antigone embraces her role as a sister and is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of her brother's honor. Ismene, however, seems more focused on preserving her own life and prioritizes self-preservation over familial duty.

Regarding Antigone's choice to , it can be interpreted in two ways:

1. Tragic pride: Antigone's decision to can be seen as a result of her tragic flaw, which is her excessive pride or hubris. Her defiance of the state's laws and her determination to follow her own beliefs, regardless of the consequences, ultimately lead to her downfall.

2. Heroic dedication to virtue: Conversely, Antigone's choice can also be viewed as a heroic dedication to virtue. She places her values and principles above her own life, showing unwavering commitment to her beliefs, justice, and honoring her family. Her self-sacrifice can be seen as an act of heroism and resistance against an unjust society.

To write your paper, you can gather more evidence from the play, "Antigone," by Sophocles, to support each of these points. Analyze specific scenes, dialogues, and the interactions between the characters to strengthen your arguments and provide a deeper understanding of their motivations and actions.