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Which sentence has a subject complement

1.The nurse felt my pulse
2.I felt much better.
3. The day ended with many surprises.
4. We can't leave without seeing her.

I pick answer #1

Is pulse a noun that is the same thing as the subject? Is it a word that describes the subject?

A subject complement will either be identical or describe the subject.
Example- The nurse is a woman. The nurse is capable.

what do you mean?

To determine which sentence has a subject complement, we need to understand what a subject complement is. A subject complement is a word or phrase that renames or describes the subject of a sentence. It follows a linking verb and provides more information about the subject.

Now, let's analyze each sentence to find the subject complement:

1. "The nurse felt my pulse."
In this sentence, "the nurse" is the subject, "felt" is the linking verb, and "my pulse" is the object of the verb. There is no subject complement here, as "my pulse" is the direct object, not providing more information about the subject.

2. "I felt much better."
In this sentence, "I" is the subject, "felt" is the linking verb, and "much better" is the subject complement. The phrase "much better" describes or renames the subject "I," making this sentence the one that has a subject complement.

3. "The day ended with many surprises."
In this sentence, "the day" is the subject, "ended" is the linking verb, and "with many surprises" is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb. There is no subject complement because the phrase does not describe or rename the subject.

4. "We can't leave without seeing her."
In this sentence, "we" is the subject, "can't leave" is the verb phrase, and "without seeing her" is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverb. There is no subject complement here.

Therefore, your answer of #2, "I felt much better," is correct as it contains a subject complement.