I want to make my writing personal and direct what pronoun should I use ?

I and you are the most direct personal pronouns. However, generally speaking, most teachers prefer the less direct - one, some, others, the reader. The reason for this is that "you" when applied to everyone will make your statement untrue. For instance, You will enjoy this story.... I may not like the story at all, and will , therefore, not agree with what is said.

Thanks that really helps :)

When you want to make your writing personal and direct, it is often effective to use the pronoun "you." While the pronoun "I" can also convey a personal tone, using "you" directly addresses and engages the reader, making them feel directly involved in the conversation. This can create a more intimate and personal connection.

For example, instead of saying "I believe that we should prioritize wellness," you can write "You should prioritize wellness." This way, you are directly speaking to the reader and emphasizing their role in taking action.

However, it's important to strike a balance when using "you" in your writing. Overusing it can sound overly commanding or aggressive, while not using it at all can make your writing feel detached and less engaging. Therefore, it's important to use "you" selectively and thoughtfully to create a personal and direct tone in your writing.