In which sentence does the pronoun agree with the antecedent(s)?

1. Maureen called the children for her meal.
2. The waiter refilled their glasses as they emptied it.
3. Mary and Jill won't eat her vegtables.
4. The boys want their dessert now.

Again, it's #4. By the way, why aren't you trying for the answers FIRST. We do not like to DO your work for you. You DO it first and then we HELP. Otherwise you'll never know when you are correct.

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To determine which sentence has pronoun-antecedent agreement, we need to identify the pronouns and their antecedents. The antecedent is the word that the pronoun refers to.

1. In this sentence, "Maureen" is the antecedent and "her" is the pronoun. They agree in terms of gender and number. The pronoun "her" refers to Maureen.

2. In this sentence, "glasses" is the antecedent and "their" is the pronoun. They agree in terms of number. The pronoun "their" refers to glasses.

3. In this sentence, "Mary and Jill" are the antecedents, but the pronoun "her" does not agree in terms of number. It should be "their" to agree with the plural antecedents.

4. In this sentence, "boys" is the antecedent and "their" is the pronoun. They agree in terms of number. The pronoun "their" refers to boys.

Based on the analysis above, the sentence that has pronoun-antecedent agreement is sentence 2: "The waiter refilled their glasses as they emptied it."