J'aime porte de pantalon.

Why is "de" used? I remember my teacher saying something about there are two verbs, is that why? But I am not so sure, so please explain. Thanks.

Bonsoir, Miche. I can not explain the sentence you have there because there is definitely something wrong. Is it supposed to say "I like wearing pants?" J'aime porter un pantalon? = I like wearing a pair of pants?

If there are 2 verbs there (aime/porte) it is a run on sentence.


Yes, its suppose to be porter, but I don't know why de is used or did I just misunderstood my teacher?

If I were you I'd ask one more time. Just tell your teacher you want to be SURE you understood!

Please get back to me after you find out for sure what she said? If it were negative "Je n'aime pas porter de pantalon." would be correct, but if the sentence is affirmative I would not have said "de!"


In the sentence "J'aime porte de pantalon," the word "de" is used to indicate possession or affiliation. However, there is an error in the sentence which affects its grammatical correctness.

To express possession or affiliation in French, the preposition "de" is used. In this case, it should be "J'aime le porte de pantalon." Here, "le" is the definite article that means "the," and "porte de pantalon" translates to "pair of pants."

However, if you are referring to the act of wearing or putting on a pair of pants, you should use a different verb. In French, the verb "porter" means "to wear" or "to carry." So the correct sentence would be "J'aime porter des pantalons" which translates to "I like wearing pants." Here, "porter" is the verb and "des" is used to indicate an indefinite quantity of pants.

To answer your question about two verbs, it seems that there might be some confusion. In this context, there is only one verb - "aimer" which means "to like." It is used to express your preference or enjoyment of something. The second part of the sentence consists of a noun phrase, "porter des pantalons," which describes what you like.