what is the synonym for the word show?


Show has several meanings. Here in Texas, show is a movie.

Check the many synonyms listed here:


To find a synonym for the word "show," you can consult a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference tool that provides synonyms (words with similar or identical meanings) for a given word. Here are a few methods you can use to find a synonym for the word "show":

1. Online Thesaurus: You can visit websites like Thesaurus.com or Merriam-Webster.com. Search for the word "show" in the search bar, and the thesaurus will provide you with a list of synonyms.

2. Thesaurus in Word Processing Software: If you are using word processing software like Microsoft Word, you can right-click on the word "show," select "Synonyms," and a list of synonyms will appear.

3. Thesaurus Apps: Various apps are available for smartphones and tablets, such as the Merriam-Webster or Thesaurus.com apps. Downloading and installing one of these apps will allow you to find synonyms for "show" and other words on the go.

Some synonyms for the word "show" include display, exhibition, presentation, performance, spectacle, production, and demonstration. Remember, using a thesaurus can help you explore different ways to express yourself and improve your vocabulary.