Hi sorry a littel confused when I went to class today the english got revised a little - so I need to translate that to spanish which is what I tried to do - I am changing zipper front closure to a zipper in front

good! Always "simplify."


To translate the phrase "zipper front closure" to Spanish as "a zipper in front," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the individual words and their translations:
- "Zipper" translates to "cremallera" in Spanish.
- "Front" can be translated as "frente" or "delantero" in Spanish.
- "Closure" can be translated as "cierre" in Spanish.

2. Now, let's form the translation:
- "Zipper" translates to "cremallera."
- "Front" translates to "delantero."

Then, to indicate that the zipper is in the front, you can say:
"A zipper in front" will be "Una cremallera delantera."

So, the translation of "zipper front closure" to Spanish is "cierre de cremallera delantera."

Remember, it's important to consider the context and the specific meaning you want to convey in your translation.