Can you show me how to do this problem please. Thanks.

|4-6to the second power ÷ 2 |- |-6|=

|4-6^2/2| - |-6| Solve for the exponent.

|4-36/2| - |-6| Use PEMDAS and dicide by two.
|4-18| - |-6| Since everything in the absolute value is positive, you solve.
|-14| - |-6|
14 - 6 = ___


PS, on computers, absolute value is much easier to write this way...

abs(-14+6^2/2) or abs (function)


Sure! To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Evaluate the expression inside the absolute value brackets.
In this case, we have |-6|. Since the absolute value of any negative number is always positive, |-6| is equal to 6.

Step 2: Simplify the expression within the exponent.
Here, we have 6 to the second power, which means 6 multiplied by itself. Thus, 6 squared is equal to 36.

Step 3: Divide the result by 2.
After getting 36, we divide it by 2 to find the final result. 36 divided by 2 equals 18.

Step 4: Apply the absolute value to the final result.
The expression |18| is equal to 18 since 18 is a positive number.

Therefore, the final answer is 18.

To summarize the solution to the problem:
|4-6^2 ÷ 2 |- |-6| = 18.