Please help!

During class fingerpainting activity,
Doresha appeared perplexed by the teacher's question,"What are you doing,
Doresha?" Doresha did not respond
quickly or with ease. Which one of the following could NOT be a reason why
this eventcast posed a concern for her?

A) Doresha is from a mainstream culture.

B) Describing an action is not practiced
in her home or by her friends.

C) Asking someone to explain an action
the questioner is witnessing is
considered disrespectful.

D) The use of language for labeling an
event or something obvious is
unusual in most cultures.

This is what my text states:

Another type of narrative,typical in
mainstream cultures but very unusual in nonmainstream families,is called eventcasts. An eventcast is an immediate
description of an ongoing event or the labeling of something obvious.
For example, a mother observes her son
coloring in a coloring book and asks,
"What are you doing,Jon?" Despite the
fact it is obvious what the child is
doing,she asks him to describe,or
narrate,his ongoing action.
The use of language to describe the obvious is quiet unusual in most cultures. It is,however,a commpon expectation in preschool and early
elementary classrooms. Frequently,
teachers ask children to describe
thir art activity,or objects and
events in a picture. Many children
find this a strange use of language
because they must explain something
that is obvious to the teacher.
Because describing the obvious is
considered disrespectful to the adult
in some cultures,this can create discomfort for the child.

Would "B" or "C" be the correct answer?
I'm thinking "B" is the correct answer,but I am not sure.
please help!!!

Your question asks which could NOT be a reason . . .

Now what do you think the answer is?

I would go with D. Look at the last paragraph of your post.

Because describing the obvious is
considered disrespectful to the adult
in some cultures,this can create discomfort for the child.

Wouldn't "D" be a reason the child IS

experencing discomfort.

The question asked which could NOT be
a reason this eventcast posed a concern for her.

Please help,I'm confused!

The question assumes the child is uncomfortable with this kind of question. B, C, and D are all possible reasons that she's not comfortable.

The only statement that CANNOT be a reason she's uncomfortable is A. Children from the mainstream culture are accustomed to answering this kind of question.

o.k.--- SO, A is the correct answer.

I understand now. Thank you for the enlightment!

You're very welcome. I was confused at first on this one too. :-)

To determine which answer choice could NOT be a reason why the event posed a concern for Doresha, let's analyze each option:

A) Doresha is from a mainstream culture.
In the passage, it is mentioned that eventcasts are typical in mainstream cultures, so this option could be a reason for concern.

B) Describing an action is not practiced in her home or by her friends.
This option is mentioned in the passage as a possible reason for concern. The passage states that many children find it strange to explain something obvious to the teacher, so this option is a valid concern for Doresha.

C) Asking someone to explain an action the questioner is witnessing is considered disrespectful.
The passage mentions that describing the obvious is considered disrespectful to adults in some cultures, which can create discomfort for the child. Therefore, this option is also a valid reason for concern.

D) The use of language for labeling an event or something obvious is unusual in most cultures.
This option is the opposite of what is mentioned in the passage. The passage states that the use of language to describe the obvious is unusual in most cultures. Since this option is stating that it is unusual, it contradicts the information in the passage. Therefore, this option could NOT be a reason for concern for Doresha.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be D) The use of language for labeling an event or something obvious is unusual in most cultures.