ok... i need help with geometric proofs..i have a test tomorrow and don't understand it one bit..

Check these sites about geometric proofs.




I'd be happy to help you with geometric proofs! Here's a step-by-step process you can follow to approach and solve them:

1. Understand the given information: Read the problem carefully and identify any given statements, diagrams, or conditions that will be relevant to the proof you need to solve.

2. Identify what you need to prove: Look for the statement or conclusion that you're expected to prove. This is usually stated explicitly or implied in the problem.

3. Review known theorems and postulates: Make sure you have a good understanding of the basic theorems and postulates of geometry. These are fundamental rules that are often used as building blocks in geometric proofs.

4. Draw a diagram: Visualize the problem by drawing an accurate diagram. Label the given information, such as angles, sides, and other relevant elements. A clear and accurate diagram will help you see the relationships between different elements.

5. Use logic and reasoning: Start by making a list of the properties, theorems, and postulates you think might come into play. Apply logical reasoning by using these known facts to establish relationships between angles, sides, or other elements in the diagram.

6. Plan your proof: Based on your analysis, think about the logical order of steps required to prove the statement. Determine which postulates, theorems, or properties you can use to make each step.

7. Write a convincing proof: Now, write the steps of your proof in a clear and organized manner. Start with the given information, and then proceed step by step, explaining the reasoning behind each step using theorems, postulates, and logical deductions. Make sure all your statements are justified and support your ultimate goal of proving the statement.

8. Review and revise: Once you've completed the proof, go back and review each step to ensure its accuracy and clarity. Consider whether your logic is sound, whether your statements flow logically, and whether any additional steps are needed to fully prove the statement. Make any necessary revisions to strengthen your proof.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to geometric proofs. Try to solve as many problems as you can to become familiar with the different techniques and patterns that commonly appear in these types of proofs. Good luck with your test!