Part 1: Suppose that the number of new homes built, H, in a city over a period of time, t, is graphed on a rectangular coordinate system where time is on the horizontal axis. Suppose that the number of homes built can be modeled by an exponential function, H= p * at , where p is the number of new homes built in the first year recorded. If you were a homebuilder looking for work, would you prefer that the value of a to be between 0 and 1 or larger than 1? Explain your reasoning.

Typing hint: Type formula above as H = p * a^t

Part 2: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find the logarithmic formula that gives the pH of a substance. State what each variable in your equation represents.

Find the pH factor of a substance of your choice. Is this substance acidic or basic? Why?
Using this pH, show how to find the hydrogen ion content of the substance using the formula. Round to 10 decimal places or write your answer using scientific notation. Include units on your answer.

Typing hint: 2.3 * 10^4 is an example of a number typed in scientific notation.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

If a fraction is taken to a power, the value decreases. (1/2)^2 is 1/4

pH=-log(H+) where (H+) is the hydrogen ion concetnration in moles/liter.

Search on google

pH vinegar

Please give the asnswer by part 1 and part 2. Please thank you, This way i can understand it better.

NO ONE ANSWER THIS QUESITON!!! I can't believe you are trying to get someone to do your AIU homework for you!!!!

If you want to help by showing the problem then don't say what the substance is and make up a ph for this problem that way they don't copy it right from here and get graded on plagerism. That way your not aiding a cheater and they are seeing how to do the math.

Part 1:

To determine whether a value of "a" between 0 and 1 or larger than 1 is preferred as a homebuilder looking for work, we need to understand the implications of these values in the exponential function H = p * a^t.

When "a" is between 0 and 1, it means that the value of a^t decreases as "t" increases. In other words, the number of new homes built, H, decreases as time passes. This indicates a decline in construction activity over time. As a homebuilder looking for work, this would not be an ideal situation since it suggests a shrinking market and fewer construction opportunities.

On the other hand, if "a" is larger than 1, it means that the value of a^t increases as "t" increases. This implies that the number of new homes built, H, increases as time passes. A higher value of "a" indicates exponential growth in construction activity over time. As a homebuilder looking for work, this would be preferable as it suggests a growing market and more construction opportunities.

Therefore, as a homebuilder looking for work, it would be preferable for the value of "a" to be larger than 1 in the exponential function H = p * a^t.

Part 2:
The logarithmic formula that gives the pH of a substance is defined as:

pH = -log[H+]

In this equation:
- "pH" represents the acidity or basicity of a substance.
- "[H+]" represents the concentration of hydrogen ions in the substance.

To find the pH factor of a substance of your choice, you can use a pH indicator such as pH paper or a digital pH meter. These tools provide a value on the pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14. A pH value less than 7 indicates an acidic substance, while a pH value greater than 7 indicates a basic (alkaline) substance. A pH value of 7 represents a neutral substance.

Once you have determined the pH value of the substance, you can find the hydrogen ion content (concentration) using the formula:

[H+] = 10^(-pH)

In this formula:
- "[H+]" represents the concentration of hydrogen ions in mol/L.

To calculate the hydrogen ion content, substitute the pH value you obtained into the formula and solve for [H+]. Round the answer to 10 decimal places or use scientific notation if necessary.

Remember to cite any sources you have used to obtain the pH value and explain the acidity or basicity of the substance. Use the APA style for referencing.