
what is the
A)coordination no.
B)no. of ligands
C)Oxidation state of Co

O.N on co will be +3

O.N of Co will be +3

A. en has 2 for a total of 4+ 2 more for each NH4. Coordination number is 6.

B. You have two ligands in en and 2 more for NH3 for a total of 4.
C. en is neutral. So is NH3. The charge on the complex ion is +3. So the oxidation state of Co is ???

To determine the coordination number, number of ligands, and oxidation state of the complex [Co(NH3)2(en)2]^+3, we will break down the formula and analyze the different components.

A) Coordination Number:
The coordination number is the total number of ligands attached to the central metal ion. In this complex, Co (Cobalt) is the central metal ion. We need to count the number of ligands directly bonded to the metal ion.

In [Co(NH3)2(en)2]^+3, there are four ligands directly bonded to the central Cobalt ion. Therefore, the coordination number is 4.

B) Number of Ligands:
To determine the number of ligands, we need to count the total number of entities directly bonded to the central metal ion (Co).

In the given complex [Co(NH3)2(en)2]^+3, there are four entities bonded to the central Cobalt ion. However, two of the entities, (NH3)2, are coordinated ligands, which means they consist of two ammonia molecules bonded together. Similarly, en, short for ethylenediamine, is another coordinated ligand.

Therefore, the total number of ligands is 2 (ammonia ligands) + 1 (ethylenediamine ligand) = 3.

C) Oxidation State of Co:
To determine the oxidation state of the central Cobalt ion, we need to consider the charges on the ligands and the overall charge of the complex.

In [Co(NH3)2(en)2]^+3, the overall charge of the complex is +3. The coordination complexes are usually charge-neutral, and the positive charge is indicated outside the square brackets.

To find the oxidation state of Cobalt, we need to balance the charges. From the overall charge, we know that the total sum of the charges must be +3. Each ammonia ligand (NH3) carries no charge, while the ethylenediamine ligand (en) is neutral as well.

Therefore, the Cobalt ion must have a charge of +3 to balance the overall charge. Thus, the oxidation state of Cobalt in this complex is +3.