I understand the part's of algerbra, i just can't figure out why people use multiplacation tables to figure out the symbol for the block cube curriculem inside of the finder's surronding. Why do they?

It seems like you're asking about why multiplication tables are used to figure out symbols related to the block cube curriculum in the Finder's surrounding. However, your question contains some confusing terms and doesn't provide enough context for me to understand the exact meaning.

Let me break down the parts of your question to help clarify:

1. Algebra: Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols to solve equations and understand mathematical relationships.

2. Multiplication Tables: A multiplication table is a grid that displays the products of two numbers. It helps to quickly find the result when multiplying any two numbers.

3. Block Cube Curriculum: It's unclear what specifically you mean by "block cube curriculum." It could be referring to a particular educational program or a mathematics concept related to blocks and cubes.

4. Finder's Surrounding: Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with this term as it doesn't exist in common mathematical terminology or concepts. It's possible that it's specific to the context you're referring to.

To answer your question, if you could provide more information or clarify the terms and concepts you're talking about, I would be able to help you understand how multiplication tables or other mathematical tools might be helpful in those contexts.