Solve the following equations giving any roots in terms of pi in the .......?

interval -2pi ≤ 0 ≤ 2pi.

a) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 0

b) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 1

c) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 2

First convert cos^2 theta to 1 - sin^2 theta. Then treat sin^2 as a new variable x and solve for that using quadratic equation procedures.

I will do the last one for you

2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 2
2cos²Θ + 1 - cos²Θ = 2
cos²Θ = 1
cosΘ = ±1

in degrees, Θ = 0º or 180º or 360º
in radians: Θ = 0 pi or 2pi

To solve these equations and find the roots in terms of π within the given interval, we can apply trigonometric identities and algebraic manipulation.

a) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 0:

First, let's simplify the equation using the Pythagorean identity: sin²Θ + cos²Θ = 1.

Rearranging the equation, we get:
2cos²Θ = -sin²Θ

Dividing both sides by cos²Θ, we have:
2 = -tan²Θ

Taking the square root of both sides, we obtain:
√2 = ±√(-tan²Θ)

Since tan is undefined for certain values of Θ, the expression -tan²Θ is also undefined. Therefore, there are no roots in terms of π within the given interval for this equation.

b) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 1:

Similarly, using the Pythagorean identity, we have:
2cos²Θ = 1 - sin²Θ

Substituting this value back into the equation, we get:
1 - sin²Θ + sin²Θ = 1

The equation simplifies to:
1 = 1

Since this equation is true for all values of Θ, there are infinite roots in terms of π within the given interval for this equation.

c) 2cos²Θ + sin²Θ = 2:

Again, using the Pythagorean identity, we have:
2cos²Θ = 2 - sin²Θ

Substituting this value back into the equation, we get:
2 - sin²Θ + sin²Θ = 2

The equation simplifies to:
2 = 2

Just like the previous equation, this equation is true for all values of Θ. Therefore, there are infinite roots in terms of π within the given interval for this equation as well.

In conclusion:
a) There are no roots in terms of π in the interval -2π ≤ Θ ≤ 2π.
b) There are infinite roots in terms of π in the interval -2π ≤ Θ ≤ 2π.
c) There are infinite roots in terms of π in the interval -2π ≤ Θ ≤ 2π.