I'm in year 10

and I would like to have some websites on business Studies to revise for a test on Monday

Especailly on the topic of Sectors of Economy


Thanks for choosing Jiskha. I am not clear if being "in year ten" refers to your grade level or your age. Try this web site regarding sectors of the economy. I hope you find it helpful. We will be happy to provide answers or references for more specific questions.


Hello! I'd be happy to help you find some websites to revise for your business studies test on the topic of sectors of the economy. Here are a few websites that could be useful:

1. Investopedia (www.investopedia.com): This website offers a variety of resources and articles about different aspects of business and finance, including information about economic sectors. Simply search for "sectors of the economy" or "economic sectors" in the search bar to access relevant articles.

2. BBC Bitesize (www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize): BBC Bitesize has a dedicated section for business studies, which includes information about sectors of the economy. Navigate to the appropriate section and review the materials available. They often provide concise explanations, diagrams, and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge.

3. Tutor2u (www.tutor2u.net): This website offers resources for various subjects, including business studies. Their business section provides articles, videos, and revision materials on different topics, including sectors of the economy. You can explore the relevant section to find the information you need.

Remember, it's always a good idea to cross-reference information from different sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the topic. Additionally, checking your class textbooks or notes can also be helpful.

Good luck with your test on Monday! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.